Tour of WebAssembly Table of Contents

[Untranslated] Drawing To The Screen

Let's put it all together with a an example by drawing a red square to the screen. Let's think about the functions we'll need to register:

let get_2d_context = register_function("
  (context, selectorStart, selectorEnd) => {
    let selector = context.getUtf8FromMemory(
    let domEl = document.querySelector(selector);
    let ctx = domEl.getContext("2d");
    let objHandle = context.storeObject(ctx);
    return objHandle;

let set_context_color = register_function("
  (context, ctxHandle, colorStart, colorEnd) => {
    let color = context.getUtf8FromMemory(
    let ctx = context.getObject(ctxHandle);
    ctx.fillStyle = color;

let draw_rect = register_function("
  (context, ctxHandle, x, y, width, height) => {
    let ctx = context.getObject(ctxHandle);